A Year in Review: The Best Design Rebrands of 2023

Whether a brand decides to tweak its logo or overhaul its entire look, rebranding is a major decision for any company.

According to the Looka blog, 2023 has seen a flurry of major rebrands, many of which are opting for energetic colors like bright green and neon yellow. Others, meanwhile, are still betting on minimalism, with geometric and art deco designs breaking through as popular picks.

Take a look at some of the best design rebrands of 2023. Which do you like? Which don’t you like and why? Review each redesign and draw inspiration for your own brand. 


With the autumn season comes changes in the colors of leaves, as well as iconic brands. This fall Pepsi is rolling out new branding in North America. This is the first time in 14 years that the beverage giant will change its logo, giving its cans, bottles, delivery trucks and overall digital presence a makeover. Touch ups include a new custom typeface, a color palette that includes a deeper electric blue and black, as well as an entirely new can silhouette. The redesign’s goal was to give the 125-year-old brand a contemporary edge. What is your brand’s goal? 


7Up saw its first rebrand in seven years. Also owned by PepsiCo, the lemony-lime beverage can is now in simpler packaging, with lighter design elements that align with a minimalism theme. The 3D design and high-contrast colors reflect the brand’s uplifting brand messaging. 

Chips Ahoy!

Some rebrands are accompanied by sweet campaigns. Chips Ahoy! is celebrating its 60th birthday by reviving its nostalgic mascot, Chip. As part of its brand refresh, it’s also aiming to appeal to Gen Z through partnerships and events, including a three-day themed yacht party. 

Kraft Singles

Kraft Singles took a slice out of the rebranding playbook by not just unveiling new colors, but new packaging as well. The new Kraft Singles look includes a simpler, less-cluttered design featuring a bolder blue background. More importantly, the brand refresh is a response to customers complaining about the difficulty to open each cheese slice. The new individual packaging comes in a thicker, clearer wrapper and an easy to grasp flap. Listening to customer sentiment during brand redesigns is always a good idea.

Oscar Meyer Weinermobile

The hot dog brand updated its famous Weinermobile, which will now go by the Frankmobile, according to a news release. This is its first redesign since 1936 to highlight the new recipe for its all-beef hot dog products. New signage includes “The All Beef Beef Frank Frankmobile” to emphasize its natural ingredients as consumers increasingly avoid processed foods.


Food and beverage brands aren’t the only ones seeing branding shake-ups. Fintech company Wise launched a new look in 2023, with changes to its logo and online presence. The makeover centers on a bright green palette. Other changes include a stronger font, imagery and the use of universal symbols that speak to its global customer base. 


Redesigns aren’t just for anniversaries. Fitness tech company Peloton is using design to steer its brand toward more positivity after facing some controversy in recent years. Peloton’s brand refresh features a new color scheme that speaks to the feel-good emotions and afterglow of a vigorous workout. Its fresh online campaign and imagery meanwhile is meant to make the fitness brand more inclusive by speaking to people of all ages and levels.

Connecting companies with new audiences truly showcases the power of rebranding and intentional design. How will your web redesigns speak to your target customer?


SVA.design is the website for New York City’s School of Visual Arts’ Design Department and Advertising Department.

Their multidisciplinary program features four separate majors: Graphic DesignAdvertisingMotion Graphics, and Interactive Design.

Of the four disciplines that students can major in, each of these areas can be further sub-divided, giving students more possibilities to find their voice. For example, Design includes package design, editorial design, information graphics, branding, publication design, book jacket design, environmental design, and interactive design.

In addition to a faculty directory and links to apply for admission, the site primarily features a portfolio of work from design students across every discipline.


Written By Guest User

If you can’t find the font you need, make your own! Text.design offers two creative custom typography solutions from Belight Software: Letters and Art Text. Far beyond fonts, these apps allow you to produce detailed, sophisticated letter art.

Anyone can use Letters to browse hundreds of ready-made templates, enter their own text and get immediate results. Letters offers a multitude of text design templates easily customizable to your liking. Each text style is the result of long hours of professional design work on creating texture materials and photo objects, and carefully selecting proprietary fonts.

Professional designers can plunge deep into the design process and create staggering effects with the Art Text app and its full set of properties, ranging from colors to 3D materials. Art Text is graphic design software for Mac that brings text effects, typography, and logo design to the next level. With its intuitive design toolkit, graphic presets, and typography templates you will create flashy headings for all your desktop publishing projects, logos, websites, instantly produce 3D text and 3D titles, and even make eye-catching captions for social media posts.

Text.design also includes galleries, tutorials, free graphics, and design resources to help anyone get up to speed in the world of typography.

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Az online szerencsejáték világa rohamosan növekszik Magyarországon, és egyre több játékos keresi az interneten kínált lehetőségeket. Azonban mielőtt belemerülne a virtuális kaszinók izgalmas világába, fontos tudnia, hogy a játék törvényesen és biztonságosan történjen. Ebben a cikkben részletesen ismertetjük a legális online casino fogalmát, a magyar szabályozást, és bemutatjuk a legnépszerűbb legális online kaszinókat.

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A legális online kaszinók olyan online szerencsejátékplatformok, amelyek törvényesen működnek és engedéllyel rendelkeznek a magyar hatóságoktól. Ezek a kaszinók szigorú ellenőrzés alatt állnak, és a játékosok számára biztonságos, megbízható környezetet kínálnak. A legális online kaszinókban való játék során a játékosok jogi védelem alatt állnak, és a játékügyeket tisztességesen kezelik.

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1. Unibet Kaszinó

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1. Slotok

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Az élő kaszinójátékok lehetővé teszik a játékosok számára, hogy valós krupiék ellen játszanak valós időben. Ezek a játékok magas színvonalú streaming szolgáltatásokon keresztül érhetőek el, és a játékosok interaktívan vehetnek részt a játékban. Az élő kaszinójátékok közé tartozik a blackjack, a rulett, a baccarat és a különböző pókerváltozatok.

A Legális Online Kaszinók Bónuszai

A legális online kaszinók számos bónuszt és promóciót kínálnak annak érdekében, hogy vonzóvá tegyék a játékosok számára a platformjaikat. Ezek a bónuszok lehetnek üdvözlő bónuszok új játékosok számára, ingyenes pörgetések slot játékokhoz, vagy hűségprogramok, amelyek a hűséges játékosoknak szólnak.

Fontos azonban megérteni, hogy a bónuszokhoz általában feltételek és kikötések tartoznak. Ezek a feltételek meghatározhatják a bónusz felhasználásának módját, és azt, hogy a nyeremények kivehetőek-e azonnal. Javasoljuk, hogy minden bónusz feltételeit alaposan olvassa el, mielőtt igénybe veszi azokat.

A Legális Online Kaszinók Pénzügyi Tranzakciói

A legális online kaszinókban való játék során a pénzügyi tranzakciók biztonságosak és megbízhatóak. A játékosok számos fizetési módot használhatnak a befizetések és kifizetések lebonyolításához, beleértve a bankkártyákat, e-pénztárcákat és banki átutalásokat.

Az online kaszinók gyakran kínálnak különböző valutákat, így a játékosok kiválaszthatják a számukra megfelelő pénznemet. A legális online kaszinók gondoskodnak arról, hogy a pénzügyi tranzakciók titkosítottak legyenek, és a játékosok pénze biztonságban legyen.

RGD Contest Winner EricCo.Design

Written By Guest User

The 2021 RGD Student Award Winners have been announced! We’re proud to sponsor the award for best portfolio website, and this year’s winner is EricCo.design!

Eric is a Toronto-based graphic designer who specializes in creative branding and visual storytelling. His style often incorporates modernist approaches, clean lines, and simple geometry. The clean, minimal design of his site reflects his forward-thinking style while allowing his colorful, detailed portfolio to take center stage.

Each example in his portfolio features helpful context and background information. It’s always enlightening to gain insight into a designer’s decision-making process, and Eric’s portfolio does a great job telling the story of each project.

Congratulations to Eric Co for winning the category!


Written By Guest User

Marrow.design is the website of Portland, OR-based furniture designer Robert Rahm. Founded in 2014, Marrow is based in the desire to create graceful and elegant furniture with timeless appeal.

Just like the furniture, Marrow.design is a beautiful, minimal site. Rahm’s designs take center stage, with high-quality product photographs emphasised by generous whitespace. The subtle earth-tone of the Marrow brand name even mirrors the natural wood hues of the furniture.

Marrow.design shows the range of .design domains beyond the common disciplines of graphic design or UX/UI design. Even artisanal, handcrafted furniture benefits from a memorable domain name that connotes creativity and attention to detail.


Written By Guest User

Musho.design is the personal portfolio of Michal Simkovic, a digital designer focused on UI design for mobile and web apps.

“Design in general should be a solution to a problem,” says Michal. “Ideally the best design is ‘just enough’ design: like music in a movie, it perfectly matches the story, so you don’t even notice it’s there.”

With this in mind, buying the URL musho.design and redirecting all his other domains to it was a natural decision. As he explains: “It’s a great match with my profession. Compared to .com it’s longer, but more human.”


Written By Guest User

Indeed is a leading website for job listings and recruiting. Their site at Indeed.design is an enlightening, comprehensive, and approachable overview of the entire brand’s design ethos.

Every design element, from Indeed’s logo, to the brand’s colors, shapes, typography, and voice, is explained and explored on its own page. Beyond technical explanations of how the design team created these bespoke design elements, each page also explains the psychology behind every decision.

For example, the custom typeface Indeed Sans was designed to embody the brand’s voice, with generous proportions and a mix of sharp and soft elements. The site even highlights the notable characters that most clearly express the typeface’s personality: the curves of the lowercase a’s and e’s express optimism, and the strokes of the b’s, d’s, and g’s lend a human, calligraphic feel.


The Association of Registered Graphic Designers is Canada’s largest professional Association for graphic design professionals, with 4,000 Members, including firm owners, freelancers, managers, in-house designers, educators and students.

RGD set up a splash site at RGDStudentAwards.design to promote this year’s call for entries. Over CAD$20,000 in prize money will be awarded across 21 categories:

  • .design Award for .design Website (Ed: Yes, that’s us!) – any website that is submitted on a .design URL (available free for RGD Student Members ) that promotes the individual entrant and/or a personal project, cause or initiative. Switch out your current .com or .ca domain to .design to qualify for this category! Just tell your hosting provider to ‘point’ to your new domain or contact  [email protected] for more information.

  • Context Creative Award for Storytelling Design – any project that communicates and engages with a strong sense of narrative and purpose, combining words, images, graphics and your choice of media. Examples include editorially-inspired design projects, such as long-form articles, reports, or feature articles that may include the integration of infographics, illustrations, videography and more.

  • Design de Plume Award for Indigenous Design – any project influences or inspired by indigenous design, art and culture.

  • Domtar Award for Print Design – any project designed to be presented in the print medium. 

  • Entro Award for Placemaking Design – any project that helps build community through design interventions. This might be a poster for an event, a website for a tourist destination, a wayfinding system for a university or the design of a retail space.

  • 52 Pick-up Award for Typography – any project that demonstrates the strategic and effective use of typography.

  • Forge Media + Design Award for Logo Design – any project that is intended to represent and identify a company, product, service or organization and its essence graphically to be applied consistently across all visual materials representing that company, product, service or organization.

  • Frontier Award for Editorial Design – any project designed as an article, magazine, newspaper or publication in print and/or digital formats.

  • Gravity Inc Award for Social Good Design – any project that demonstrates value to the community and how it solves local or global challenges.

  • Greenmelon Award for Packaging Design (Single) – any project designed to enclose, protect and promote a single product for sale. 

  • Haft2 Award for Colour – any project that demonstrates the strategic and effective use of colour in the development of the design solution.

  • Intent Award for Accessible Design – any project that explores design that is accessible to the greatest number of people, to the largest extent possible, regardless of their age or ability, across all design disciplines. All projects will be judged based on the application of accessible design principles in the development of the design solution.

  • Nurun Award for User Experience Design – any project that offers an exceptional user experience through innovative design, personalized data experiences and useful functionality.

  • Pivot Award for Information Design  any project that involves the design of clear, concise and visually attractive materials that enhance how people read, understand and use complex and/or detailed information. 

  • Polyester Studio Award for Motion – any project designed to communicate complex data and content in a visually appealing way that is easier to understand and use.

  • Premise Award for Strategic Design – any project that clearly articulate goals and how these were achieved.

  • q30 Award for Brand Design – any project that involves a visual set of associations representing a company, product, service or organization.

  • Quake Award for Creative Innovation – any project that applies unique and visionary solutions to the design process, products or interactions. 

  • SLD  Award for Packaging Design (Series) – any project designed to enclose, protect and promote a series of products for sale. 

  • works design Award for Web Design – any website that communicates a company or organization’s mission, objectives, products and services.

  • Zulu Alpha Kilo Award for Advertising Design – any project created to promote a specific business, program, event or special offer. 

Any full- or part-time undergraduate student enrolled in (or a 2021 graduate of) either a College or University design or design-related program in Canada, or a Canadian student studying abroad may enter. Post-graduate students can enter the Accessibility, UX and Motion Awards only.


Automattic is the company behind WordPress.com, Tumblr, Gravatar, Jetpack, WooCommerce, Longreads, Simplenote, and many more internet publishing and commerce solutions.

At automattic.design, the team shares the behind-the-scenes stories of what it’s like to build products at a remote-first technology company. Blog posts detail strategies for remote collaboration as much as deep-dives into technology and design issues.

automattic.design also highlights relevant job openings at Automattic and links to the company’s recruiting portal.

Throughout the site, they highlight their commitment to open-source values, diversity, and making the world a better place through the power of design.

Check out automattic.design for inspiring stories about collaboration, teamwork, and communication.