Founded in 2012 and based in London, Black Elephant Design Studio’s mission is to work with clients in delivering bespoke tailored design solutions and flexible workspaces.

Written By Guest User

APIWho.Design is a living and growing directory that features API (Asian & Pacific Islander) creatives in the design industry. This site draws inspiration from Latinxs Who Design and

Their mission is to highlight the breadth of talent within the API population, inspire new designers, connect with fellow APIs, share experiences, and help with the discovery of fresh talent for expanding teams.

APIWho.Design features excellent design itself, with an uncluttered layout, links to designers’ social profiles, and a very convenient filter that allows people to easily find designers with specific skills.

.design domains celebrates diversity and inclusion in the design industry and everywhere, and we are proud to help amplify the work of API designers!

Graphic Design Tough Topics: Graphic Designers aren’t seen as “strategic”

It’s a been-there, done-that scenario: your boss walks up to you and says “I need 10 new designs for this new product, pronto!” then walks away with no additional information. Apparently this new product has been in the works for a while, but you’re hearing about it at the last minute – and you have to start doing a lot of digging on your own to understand the product. Time and time again, graphic designers are brought in at the end of the strategy cycle and are just told what to do – being perceived as ‘worker bees’ rather than strategic brand ambassadors.

The fact of the matter is, we graphic designers do a lot more than just draw pretty pictures on the computer. Unlike artists, whose job is to focus on aesthetics, graphic design dives deeper and creates visual messaging to support a brand – which in and of itself is a strategy.

So why aren’t leaders and clients seeing us graphic designers as strategic? It’s true – graphic design isn’t marketing, and we don’t analyze data to create contingency plans. However, we can all agree that it would make our jobs as graphic designers a lot easier if we were brought in at the beginning of the product lifecycle so we can give creative ideas along the way and discussing what is and is not possible – leading to an overall better strategy.

The largest reason why leaders don’t see graphic designers as strategic is from lack of understanding – and since it’s hard to give importance to things we don’t understand, graphic design is often an afterthought. And while the online graphic design software offering free logo- or brochure-making service certainly doesn’t help the paradigm of graphic design being an ‘easy’ or ‘non-strategic’ job, the graphic design industry has a lot more work to do to show our true value to leaders and C-Suite executives.

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot we can do on an individual level to change the status quo for Graphic Designers as a whole. However, there is a lot you can do on a personal level to rebrand yourself to become more than “just” a graphic designer. Check out our tips below:

  1. Ask your leader to be brought in at the beginning of project meetings – or at the same time they bring in their marketing team. Not only does this help you understand the entire scope of the project, but you can start sharing your ideas at the same time as everyone else, changing other’s perspective of you as “just the graphic designer”
  2. Title yourself as a “Brand Strategist” instead of a Graphic Designer. The more you showcase your talents in strategy, the more others will believe it – and it starts with how you define yourself.
  3. Demonstrate your strategy skills: execute an innovative project that’s outside your current job function, or show how your designs helped a campaign become successful. The more you’re showcasing your skills, the more likely you’re to be top-of-mind.
  4. Become Certified: there are plenty of free strategic planning certifications online to help add fuel to your fire. Check out HubSpot Academy, which offers content strategy courses, or Coursera>, which also offers free strategy-related courses to build out your resume.

Build your Brand: Enhance your digital image with a personalized domain name

Written By Liz Achanta

Whether you’re starting a company or making a personal portfolio website, creating a personalized domain name is a powerful tool when building your brand. A domain name is the text that a user will type into their browser window to reach your website, and it’s one of the first digital interactions a consumer will have with your company.

Did you know? According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the number of small businesses in the U.S. increased 2.5 percent from 2020 to 2021: the competition for consumer attention is hotter than ever, which makes it even more critical for your brand to stick out amongst the rest. Check out these pointers to make the most of your personalized domain name!

What’s in a Name?

It’s no secret that the human attention span is decreasing. And with more businesses competing for market share, owners need to be more creative to grab consumer’s attention. That’s why having a short, unique-to-you domain name is a strategic way to help your customers reach your website faster, and more frequently.

Things to remember when building your personalized domain name:

  • Short, descriptive names are best (e.g., or

  • Avoid numbers and hyphens; and choose text that is easy to type

  • Make it memorable: there are millions of registered domain names, so make sure yours stands out

Add Credibility to Your Website

There are a lot of scammers out there, so having a personalized domain name can give peace of mind to you and your customers. A strong and simple domain name can convince customers that they’re at the right place, your site is secure, and that their data will not be misused. With that being said, make sure your domain name is catchy and hard to misspell, or your customers might end up in the wrong place.

Reinforce Your Brand and Your Marketing

Having your or your business’ name in your domain means increasing brand recognition. Make sure you put your domain name on everything that comes from your business: by leaving more impressions on your customer, you will reinforce and strengthen your brand’s digital presence, resulting in more traffic to your website.

Buy Your Domain Name Now – or Someone Else Will

Domain names are limited, and once you buy a domain name it’s yours until you decide to stop paying for it. With the rise of small businesses, there’s a significant chance that someone will have a name similar to yours. If someone researches your business’s name and you don’t own that personalized domain, they’ll be more inclined to go to the other site – and who knows what type of website that could be.

What are you waiting for? Check out our domain name search to see if your domain is available and take that first steps towards building your successful brand!