February 21, 2022
Written By Liz Achanta

Whether you’re just starting out your small business or are a veteran, making sure your business is found online is essential; after all, according to a study by GoGulf, 97% of online searches have searched to find a local business.

So you have a website – now what? In order to make sure your website gets found online, it’s crucial to implement a strong search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Use the below tips and tricks to make sure your business shows up in the top search results when someone in your area does a ‘near me’ search online.

  • Create a ‘Google My Business’ Account

    Google My Business is a free service that helps you set up a business listing that works with both Google Search and Google Maps. As more and more searches become geographically-specific, when someone types in a relevant search term your business profile will pop up in the results page.

    In some cases, there is an automated listing for your business that has already been created. Make sure you actively claim and verify your business’ information to boost credibility, and ensure someone else don’t gain control of your site.

    Go to the Google Business Profile Manager site to get started!

  • Get reviews from customers

    Once you’ve made that killer Business account, grab some reviews from previous customers to promote your business. According to one study by Qualtrics, 93% of surveyors said online reviews influenced their purchasing decisions, meaning you may be losing customers by not having any reviews!

    Getting Google reviews doesn’t have to be door-to-door sales – although if you have a strong connection with one of your clients, that may be a great way to start. However, posting on your business’s social pages, running an email campaign, or offering incentives for previous customers to write a review are all great ways to get more of those 5-stars!

  • Optimize your website

    Just having a website or a Google Business account doesn’t mean your business is going to show up on page one of a Google search. As a local business, make sure you have a URL and a website that shows how unique your business is: make sure all of your products and services are listed, and that your contact information is consistent across all online channels.

  • Create Local Content

    Sure, writing about generic content on your website may be easy, but as Google algorithms get more advanced, this can result in your content getting lost amongst the other generics. Instead, be an industry or local expert by opting for specific content that will help your website be found – like the “Top 10 architectural designs in Minneapolis,” or “Ways to be fashion-forward on a budget” are great ways to show your website provides more than just a product or service . . . and also provides your website with those important keywords to make sure you show up in local search results.

  • Study the competition

    Who do you consider to be the ‘best of the best’ in your field? How did they get to be that way? Recognizing how your competition stands out amongst the rest is another great way to increase your rankings in search results: go to their website and see how they present their products and services, what keywords they use, and how they engage with their customers. Don’t know you’re your competitors are? Type in generic keywords like ‘website designers near me’ and check out the websites Then apply what you’ve learned to your own website!