February 28, 2022
Written By Liz Achanta
The terms ‘side hustle’, ‘gigs’, and ‘freelancing’ have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years – and for good reason. Ever since Covid-19 swept across the globe in early 2020, a multitude of companies and employees have realized the work that can typically be done in an office setting can just as easily be completed from the comforts of home. With more companies offering the flexibility of working remotely, many people have realized that this has opened a door of opportunity and innovation for those who want to pursue their dreams – and make some extra money while they’re at it.

In a recent survey conducted by Bankrate, 45% of working Americans reported that they had a side hustle. Even more interestingly, 1 in 3 Americans have made their work as a freelancer their full-time job. There are many benefits when you pick up some freelance work, but the most compelling perks are:

A sense of security – 56% of Americans have stated that they’d feel more secure working for themselves versus having a traditional job (according to the State of Independence Report by MBO Partners) which is a 32% increase since 2011.

Extra income – A side hustle can be a great way to bring in extra cash, which can be used to pay off personal debts, put towards a much-needed vacation, placed into a savings account, or invested.

Independence – Freelancers have control over what work they do, when they do it, and who they do it for. Bonus: if the gig can be completed 100% remotely, freelancers also have freedom to work wherever they want, whether it be from their own couch or on the other side of the world.

What side hustle best suits you?

The amount of potential side hustles available are nearly endless. According to Upwork, some of the most popular freelancing jobs in 2021 are:

  • Graphic Designer

  • Web/Mobile Developer

  • Digital Marketer

  • Copywriter

However, side hustles can also range from starting a blog, building websites, bookkeeping, starting a dropshipping business, becoming a photographer, tutoring, or even transcribing legal proceedings. With freelancer platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, Win A Talent, Fiverr, and 99designs becoming more popular, you can try out different gigs to see if there’s anything that you feel is a good fit for you. Trying out these side hustles can offer a low-risk opportunity to test out your business ideas and help yourself grow as an entrepreneur.

If you’re interested in starting a side hustle but aren’t sure how to get started, an excellent way to begin is to pinpoint your own talents and passions. What kind of marketable skills do you have? Do you see people paying for work you’ve done for free? What kind of things are you drawn to in your free time? These questions can lead in the right direction.

Once you have a handle on what you can offer, consider who your ideal prospective client is: what kind of problems or needs do they have, and how can your knowledge and skills help solve their issues?

While it’s not necessary to choose a side hustle in a field that you are renowned for, pursuing something you are passionate about can be a huge positive. You’ll be more motivated when your side gig feels more like a creative outlet and is something you’re good at, versus feeling like more work.

How your .design domain can help your side hustle grow!

Companies and start-ups need freelancers more than ever. Hiring a freelancer makes sense for most businesses, as it helps keep overhead costs down and they get the expertise when they need it. When it comes to designing a new logo, having professional photographs taken of their products, or needing help with making their website more attractive, companies often will turn to the internet to find talented individuals for assistance.

In order to make your side hustle look professional, having a .design domain name will help businesses understand immediately who you are and what you do. Click the button below to see if your domain name is available and get started working on your new side hustle!